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Lock and Key – A Letter from the Director


Hey there, everyone! I’m Rachel, writer/director for Lock and Key. We’ve had quite a year, huh? It certainly doesn’t feel like it’s been that long since we announced Lock and Key last December, but here we are again! I still haven’t forgotten how excited you all were back then, and I can’t thank you enough for all the enthusiasm you’ve shown since that announcement. You’re seriously the best.

While Covid may have thrown our schedule for a loop, we’re still hard at work behind the scenes to ensure that Sherri, Kealey, Ruby, and Nina’s journey is something truly special. Every single member of our team has poured their heart and soul into this game, and I know for a fact that you’ll be able to see that level of love in every aspect of Lock and Key when it’s released. We’ve been able to show you some incredible screenshots, CGs, and character profiles over the last year, and there will be plenty more to come in 2021!

Now, 2020 hasn’t been an easy year for any of us. In fact, I’m preeettty sure that it hasn’t been an easy year for anyone! As a result, we can’t specify a release window for Lock and Key just yet, but we’ll try not to keep you waiting for too long! I hope you’ll continue to look forward to it in the year to come, and we’ll make sure to have plenty of screenshots and other information to keep that excitement going! And don’t you worry; we’ll keep on giving you reasons to #stanNina!

Before we wrap up, I want to make sure to thank every wonderful person on this very special team. So, to Ludo, Shari, Sarah, minute, and adi: from the bottom of my heart, thank you. None of this would be possible without your hard work, passion, and love. I’m truly honored to be a part of this team, and I’m even more honored to call you all friends.

Let’s make 2021 a magical year, everyone!


P.S. Happy early Hanukkah!

Sherri's magical girl transformation
Kealey's magical girl transformation